to prepare sheets, bedding, clothing, toothpaste, toothbrush towel s, slippers, lunch boxes

to prepare sheets, bedding, clothing, toothpaste, toothbrush towel s, slippers, lunch boxes

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The first kind, the patient can carry on the hot compress to the injured part, about half an hour every day, must keep the heat of the towel, this can play a very good effect.

Comrade Li Chao served as the group leader, teacher Chen Yu as the group member, and promptly sent the relevant epidemic prevention and control knowledge to students and parents through Wechat, text messages and QQ groups. Guide students and parents to do a good job in prevention and control at home, do not go to crowded places for activities, and enhance their awareness of self-protection, so as to achieve “four diligence”, “four noes” and “one report”. That is, wash hands and face frequently, ventilate frequently, dry clothes and quilts frequently, exercise frequently; stay away from the crowded and airtight environment, do not spit anywhere, do not eat unclean food, do not share towels, and do not reach the market activities of slaughtering live birds (animals). Those suspected of infectious diseases are reported immediately, and if there is any discomfort, see a doctor in time.

to prepare sheets, bedding, clothing, toothpaste, toothbrush towel s, slippers, lunch boxes

Treatment of fracture and dislocation: hemostasis, bandage, fixation and transport. First of all, stop the bleeding, stop the bleeding with the method of local compression, then cover it with gauze or handkerchiefs or towels, wrap it tightly with bandages, and fix the limbs with splints, which can reduce the pain caused by fracture displacement and reduce bleeding. prevent fractures from stabbing blood vessels and nerves.

(3) evacuation: those who receive evacuation and escape. After the broadcast notice, the person in charge of each floor is responsible for guiding the personnel to evacuate to the safe area, escorting those with inconvenient behavior to evacuate, then checking whether the personnel have stayed indoors, arranging the people evacuated from the burning floor, and calming and stabilizing their mood. Personnel who cannot evacuate from the scheduled fire passage can use towels and masks to cover their mouths and noses and evacuate from other places. The wooden partition between the two floors can be broken in case of emergency, and the roof can communicate with each other on both sides of the corridor;

Some factories have accommodation benefits that provide daily necessities free of charge. You can first ask what is available and what is not. Basically need to prepare sheets, bedding, clothing, toothpaste, toothbrush towels, slippers, lunch boxes and chopsticks.

to prepare sheets, bedding, clothing, toothpaste, toothbrush towel s, slippers, lunch boxes

Precautions: do not share towels, washbasins, handkerchiefs and other items; wash hands frequently, do not rub eyes; put on goggles when swimming. If you feel eye discomfort after swimming, you can use rifampicin eye drops or chlorine eye drops to prevent it.