measures in the family, such as bath towel s, washbasins, bathtubs, urinals

measures in the family, such as bath towel s, washbasins, bathtubs, urinals

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Children and adults are different, first of all, children are active and sweating a lot, and a large amount of sweating will destroy the protective film formed by sunscreen. In addition, children do not care as soon as they play, and it is a common action to wipe their faces. After sweating, washing your face, wiping your face with towels or wet towels, and swimming, you all need to apply sunscreen.

Now, grab a clean kitchen towel and dust it generously with flour. Place your baguettes on the towel, seam side down, spacing them apart so they have room to expand. Cover the baguettes with another towel and let them rest for another 30 minutes or so. During this time, the dough will undergo its final rise, giving it that beautifully rounded shape.

measures in the family, such as bath towel s, washbasins, bathtubs, urinals

Ordinary people should take good measures to prevent influenza. People who have the conditions can be vaccinated against influenza. In addition, they should maintain respiratory hygiene and develop good hygiene habits. Cover their mouth and nose with paper towels, towels or elbows when coughing or sneezing. Wash hands frequently with running water and wash hands with hand sanitizer. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth as far as possible. Avoid contact with patients with influenza-like symptoms, avoid crowded public places, and ensure a balanced diet, moderate exercise and adequate rest.

Do the necessary isolation measures in the family, such as bath towels, washbasins, bathtubs, urinals and other separate use, or disinfection after use. In particular, it should be noted that sick parents should not sleep in the same bed with their children, or bathe in the same bathtub, or share towels to prevent indirect infection.

Pay attention to personal eye hygiene, wash hands frequently, do not rub eyes with hands; patients pay attention to washbasins, towels and other sanitary ware should be separated from others to avoid cross-infection; try not to go to public places during the onset of the disease, such as swimming pools; one bottle of eyedrops is forbidden to use each other, the left and right eyes should be used separately, the mouth of the eye drops bottle should not touch the eyes or eyelashes; wash hands after contact with the sick eyes.

measures in the family, such as bath towel s, washbasins, bathtubs, urinals

After washing the hair, then waiting to blow-dry, we need to first wrap the hair with an absorbent towel, and then gently press the hair with a towel from top to bottom in the direction of the scales, so that the towel absorbs moisture from the hair. It is best to apply the towel to naturally absorb ~

After 24 hours, you can get out of bed for exercise, and some doctors advocate that patients should be encouraged to exercise under the bed properly. Patients need to keep the gauze applied on the eyes clean and dry when eating and washing, and pay attention to observe the wound on the eyes and whether the medicine has fallen off, whether the eyelids are red and swollen and conjunctival secretions. When changing dressing or eye drops for patients, you should pay attention to hygiene and wash your hands first to prevent cross-infection. And in the eye drops, do not press the eyeball, the action should be gentle. Attendants should pay more attention to patients, communicate with patients frequently, understand their needs, and often warn patients not to rub their eyes with hands or wipe their eyes with towels, so as to avoid the displacement of implanted intraocular lenses or wound infection and bleeding.

When I woke up the next morning, thinking that toothbrushes and towels were still in my dorm room, I had no choice but to go back to my dorm room.

measures in the family, such as bath towel s, washbasins, bathtubs, urinals

Second, public goods, appliances and public facilities. For example, towels and fitness equipment used in swimming places should be cleaned regularly. Supplies and appliances should be “one customer, one use and one disinfection”. Some high-frequency contact areas, such as elevator buttons and door handles, should be disinfected regularly. Pay attention to the ventilation of public places, when the temperature is appropriate, make use of natural ventilation as far as possible, the use of air conditioning system should be cleaned, disinfected and replaced regularly.